Got a burning question? You will most likely find the answer here. Go through our FAQs and explore our website. If you still can’t find the info you need then head over to our contact us page and drop us a line.
I’m a slow runner/walker , can I enter?
We welcome runners of all abilities – Fully Rad Adventures is all about giving it a go! Each LAKES course has a generous cut off time and we have a strong focus on getting everyone home. We don’t mind if you run, walk or combo (most people do this!) – you just need to have a sense of adventure and keep moving forward.
Are there any time cut offs?
Fully Rad Adventures is committed to getting every one across the finish line however some cut offs will be necessary to ensure the safety of the event crew and runners. The 100km runners will have 30hrs to finish, 70km runners 22hrs, 50km runners 15hrs and 30km runners 7hrs. The last 100km runner will need to leave CP2 at Seal Rocks by midnight on Saturday night. Please note that in bad weather, cut-offs may need to be brought forward during the event. If this happens changes will be clearly communicated at all checkpoints.
How fit or skilled do I need to be?
With multiple distance options you can pick the race that best suits your skill and fitness level or the one that is going to challenge you. With your training we recommend a combination of road Ks, off road running and beach running to develop endurance and technical skills over a variety of terrain. Each LAKES course has a mix terrain and will include sand running.
How much sand running will there be?
This probably the question we get asked the most. On the respective course pages the estimated amount of sand running is listed. Like trails sand terrain can be different depending on tide, size of dune and who else has been on the beach/trail. There are some great videos on line to help with your sand training on YouTube. Two tips is practise beforehand and get a pair of TrailGaiters.
What is the elevation?
There are not many hills at the LAKES and definitely no big ones. Most course have no stairs either. The 100km course has a total ascent of 414m and has a maximum elevation of 54m. The 70km has a total ascent of 177m and has a maximum elevation of 22m. The 50km a total ascent of 124m and has a maximum elevation of 212m. The 30km has a total ascent of 64m and has a maximum elevation of 22m.
Am I able to run the course before the event?
You sure can! All the tracks and trails are open to the public. We suggest downloading the gpx files and carefully planning you training runs.
How old do I have to be to participate?
The minimum age for the LAKES100, 70 and 50k races is 15yrs on race day. If you have a runner younger than this but a compelling reason for them to run you need to get in touch with us so we can discuss options. The minimum age for the LAKES30 is 12yrs and for the LAKES12 it is 8yrs on the day of the event. ALL RUNNERS UNDER 12yrs on the day of the event MUST BE DIRECTLY SUPERVISED for the duration of the run – that is, a parent or guardian must run with the child for the entire distance, and they too must be entered in the event.
Where is RACEHQ?
RaceHQ location and the finish line is Providence Bay Park, Booner St, Hawks Nest. All races start here, except the 100km, which starts at the front gates of the Myall Lakes National Park. Based here will be medical, timing and event logistics.
Check in and ‘on the day’ entry?
On-the-day entries will be available, unless sold out prior, for 50km, 30km, 12km and 1km. There are no “on the Day’ entries for the LAKES100 or 70. The first Check-In will be at the Tea Gardens Hotel (Marine Dr, Tea Gardens) on Friday from 4pm until 7.30pm. This will be open for all races but compulsory for the 100km and 70km. There will be a 30min pre-race briefing at 7pm at the Hotel – this is a good chance to get those last minute questions answered. Race day morning check in and late entry will be at RaceHQ from 6.30am. Registration and check in closes 30min before each race starts.
Can I change my entry to a different course?
Yes, runners can transfer their entry to a different course or to another person via the registration portal. If rolling up to a longer race you will need to cover the difference. If that doesn’t work drop us an email and we can sort out.
Are there prizes?
Our focus is all about participation and we aren’t fans of long presentation ceremonies. There are prizes for top 3 male and female in each course and then a bundle of spot prizes. A runners get a cool LAKE t-shirt and every finisher one of our famous medals. Winners must be at the prize giving to receive their prize, nothing will be posted. Also, you have to be at the presentation to be in the running for the lucky draw prizes.
We get it - things change. The journey to an ultra distance trail run is a long one and some times people get injured or life circumstances change. You are permitted to transfer your entry and you can do this yourself via the Race Roster log in. Alternatively you can defer your entry to 2025. If you can't do either then drop us an email - hello@lakes100.com.au.
Will I receive a finisher medal?
We love finish line bling. Every finisher will receive one of our famous finisher's medal to wear proudly and show off to your mates, until they are sick of hearing about how awesome you are.
How do I get my race pack?
You will get your race pack at Check in. The first Check-In will be at the Tea Gardens Hotel (Marine Dr, Tea Gardens) on Friday from 4pm until 7.30pm. This will be open for all races but compulsory for the 100km and 70km. There will be a 30min pre-race briefing at 7pm at the Hotel – this is a good chance to get those last minute questions answered. Race day morning check in and late entry will be at RaceHQ from 6.30am. Registration and check in closes 15min before each race starts.
Do I need mandatory gear?
The LAKES is as much an adventure as it is a trail run. Each course has mandatory gear that runners must carry. Our goal is not to have you carry loads of gear that you won’t use, and have arduous gear checks just for the sake of having gear checks. But we have to balance this out with the fact that this is a trail run, some of it in remote country. It is this combined with our racing experience that has guided this gear list. Remember it is your responsibility to carry the ‘right’ equipment, clothing and supplies for this race. The ‘right’ piece of kit depends entirely on you. We strongly recommend that you give this serious thought and test gear out before race start. You can download the mandatory gear list from the INFO page on the website. There are 3 categories – ‘Mandatory’, ‘Recommended’ and ‘Suggested’. ‘Recommended’ means just that, and are based on our experience and knowledge of the region. Ultimately your call, though “damn fool if you don’t” could apply. ‘Suggested’ can be translated as “up to you, but you may seriously regret not having it.” And, we will admit, there is a certain degree of comfort here, which may or may not appeal to you. ‘Mandatory' means you must have it and you won’t be able to race without it.
What food & drink should I carry with me?
There are 3 checkpoints and 4 water stations along the LAKES race footprint. You will need to check you respective course to see which apply to you. Our strong advice is to be self-sufficient – carry the nutrition and water you need – treat the Checkpoints and Water Stations as bonuses. As a minimum around 500ml of water or sports drink per hour that you expect to be out on course - but knowing that you can refill along the way. Food is a personal choice and shouldn’t be necessary unless you are running the 12km or 20km events.
Checkpoint 1 - Boomeri Campground
Water, Hammer electrolyte drink, fruit, salt, chips and lollies will be available.
Checkpoint 2 - Seal Rocks opposite Boat Beach
Water, Hammer electrolyte drink, fruit, salt, chips, coke and lollies.
Checkpoint 3 - Dees Corner Carpark
Water, Hammer electrolyte drink, fruit, salt, baked goods, chips, coke and lollies.
Each water station will have minimal sustenance, water and first aid.
Pipers Creek trailhead & Mungo Brush Rd (30k & 50k only)
End of Wildflower Walk on Mungo Brush Rd (50k, 70k & 100k)
End of Yagon Firetrail on Yagon Rd (100k only)
Dark Point carpark (30k, 50k, 70k & 100k)
What should I do with my rubbish?
Carry all your rubbish with you! Fully Rad Adventures follows ‘Leave no trace’ principles. It is not acceptable to drop litter in an event and the Myall Lakes National Park. Please put the gel or food wrapper back in your pocket.
Can I have a drop bag?
Only runners in the LAKES70 or LAKES100 may have a drop bag. We will have a drop bag service to each checkpoint for 100 & 70k runners without a support crew. Runners may use a mixture of support crew at some checkpoints and the drop bag service at other checkpoints. The drop bag service should not be used for any checkpoints that your support crew will definitely be at. Drop bags can be useful for extra food, gels, lube, fresh socks, clothing, batteries and spare head torch and for warm, dry clothing and footwear at the finish. (NB: Drop bags will not be transported to water stations.) One drop bag per runner is permitted for each checkpoint. They must be closable and SOFT (Woollies/Coles Cool Bag is the best option). Plastic bags/garbage bags and plastic boxes are not permitted. Bags must be less than 20ltrs in volume and weigh less than 10kg. The finish drop bag can be as large as needed. Drop bags must not contain any glass and liquids must be limited + securely contained. Valuable items should not be left in drop bags. Drop bags for CP1 or 3 need to be delivered to the checkpoint trailers at Providence Bay Park on the Saturday morning between 5am and 6am, drop bags for CP2 at Seal Rocks must come to the Tea Gardens Hotel briefing on Friday night. Finish drop bags should be left in the designated area near the start line on the Saturday morning.
Can I bring my dog?
Sorry no, the LAKES follows the trails in the Myall Lakes National Park and the National Parks & Wildlife Service does not allow dogs.
Will the event be held in wet weather?
Yes, the event will go ahead in the event of wet weather unless there is risk of injury or damage to the environment. Extreme wet weather may see changes made to some courses.
What if I think I have missed a turn and am lost?
STOP! Back track until you reach the last course marking and check its direction. Markings will be comprehensive with tape, arrows, bunting, flags and glow sticks. If you back track but can’t find any previous markings, stop at an intersection and wait.
When should I arrive?
We recommend that you arrive at least 45–60 minutes before the start of your race. You’ll want time to find parking, warm up, sort your kit, and hit the toilets one last time (and there are usually lines). Plus, you’ll want to hear the MC announcements, which often talk about how the course and last minute adjustments.
What do I do with my bib number?
We strongly suggest you invest in a race number belt – this is a great way to keep your race number handy and easy to shift. (+ no pin holes in your cool race t-shirt!) Your race number is unique to you and has a special timing chip in it. It must be visible at all times on the outside of your clothing and on the front of your body. It must not be worn on your pants or leg. Do not cover your race number with a backpack strap or article of clothing as this can prevent your timing tag from registering at the timing points. Do not fold, bend or cut your race number. Do not trade or share bib numbers with another person because that confuses our results.
Do I need to wear the coloured wristband?
At Check In each runner will be given a coloured wristband – which will match your race number colour. This must be worn for the duration of the race. This is to help event marshals recognise what distance you are running. This must stay on until you have finished.
I have entered as part of a team – what do I need to know?
The TEAM option is only available to the LAKES100 and LAKES50 runners. For the LAKES100 relay the course is broken into 4 parts distinguished by the CPs and each part is ‘roughly’ 25k in length (NB. It is not a neat 25km split and some legs are tougher than others so pick your team leg carefully) . A team can have a mix of members from 2, 3 or 4. For teams of 2 or 3 obviously someone runs an extra leg or two. Teams are responsible for getting themselves out on the course and to and from respective Check Points. At each changeover it is important to ensure the tracker stays on course and with a runner – there is only 1 tracker per team. NB: a changeover can only occur at a CP. For the LAKES50 team of 2 the same rules and conditions apply.
What if I get injured during the race?
Medical will be available at every checkpoint, at the Dark Point Water Station and the Finish Line. There will also be roaming first aid vehicles on the course for emergencies. Each runner is responsible for their own wellbeing and basic first aid. They should carry their own blister pads/band-aids, lubricant, sunscreen and strapping tape. If you cannot go on, find a safe spot and call us on your mobile - we will come and get you. If you pass an injured runner, please assist them, and follow the Runner Emergency Instructions card.
I have a support crew – what do they need to know?
There will be a special support crew race pack at Check In. This will have everything they need to know including estimated drive times between CPs. NB: Support Crews can only assist runners at CPs.
Do you still need volunteers?
We love our LAKES team and events like the LAKES do not go ahead without the help of the many volunteers. Thank you very to all those that have registered to volunteer already and thanks in advance for anyone helping this event go ahead. We have volunteer roles for everyone, from being the first person a runner meets at check in to the medal presenter at the end of their race. Roles include Check in desk, On Day Registration Desk, Sweepers, Medal Presenters, Course Marshalls, Event Set Up and Pack Up Crew. All volunteers will be given priority entry to the LAKES, get a t-shirt and will be fed and watered. For those doing extra-long shifts of volunteering we will offer discount promo codes for LAKES TRAIL FESTIVAL.
If you can help at this year’s event please drop us a message – hello@lakes100.com.au
I have heard there are dingoes in the National Park. Should I be worried?
There are dingo’s in Myall Lakes National Park. We have seen them on a number of trips. Runners saw them last year. On each occasion the dingo has not bothered us and curiously watched for a while before wandering off. At no time did we feel threatened or concerned. If you see a dingo while out on the course just ignore it and keep moving. Under no circumstances should you attempt to interact with them or feed them.