The start line is at front gates of Myall Lakes National Park. From here run 400m down road then turn left into Pipers Creek Fire Trail. Follow trail then turn right onto Tops to Myall Heritage Trail. Take trail until Mungo Brush Rd. Cross on new section of road and continue to follow trail. Where the trail meets the new section of road cross again and continue back on the trail. Loop around the Wildflower Walk back to cross Mungo Brush Rd along unnamed track and on to the beach. Then follow the beach to Dees Corner. (NB - this is CP3 but it may not be operational yet!) Here cross at designated crossing and follow the left hand side of the road until the Boomeri campground and CP1. (Watch for support crew cars)
From CP1 head out on Old Gibber Rd and at the main junction turn left on to Hawks Nest Seal Rocks Rd at the water station. Follow the road until Yagon Fire Trail - turn right here and follow until Yagon Rd - there will be a SES set up here. At this point turn left and follow the dirt road until you see the ocean and reach the Seal Rocks Rd, here turn right and follow Kinka Rd down the hill to CP2 at the 48km mark, opposite Boat Beach. (sit back and enjoy the incredible view)
From CP2 head up Lighthouse Rd all the way to the foot of Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse. At the base of the steep hill, after the sheds, turn right on to the beach stairs and down on to lighthouse beach. Trace along the beach for 1.8km until the southern end access stairs and proceed through the carpark and back on to Yagon Rd. Follow Yagon Rd until Yagon Fire Trail - turn right and follow the trail until it meets Hawks Nest Seal Rocks Road. At this main junction turn left (head south - keep the ocean on your left ) and follow the trail until Mungo Brush Rd. At the road turn left and head down on the verge until Dees Corner carpark at the 79km mark and CP3.
From CP3 stay on Mungo Brush Rd until the Dark Point carpark (87km) mark and water station. Here follow markers over the dunes and on to the beach. Stay on the beach for 7.5km until the flag at the National Park sign signalling the exit track (approx 500m after lemontree 4Wd track). Follow the taped track up off the beach onto an NP access road. 750m down turn hard left on to single track. Follow this, through the scrub, for 500m until another unnamed track - turn left and head up to the start of the Michael Rowe Walk. Turn left (head south - keep the ocean on your left) and follow the walk to the finish line at Providence Bay Park.
Distances between CPs & Water Stops
Start to Water Stop1 (End of Wildflower Walk) - 11km
Water Stop 2 to CP1 - 11km
Start to CP1 - 22km
(NB you will pass through CP3 en-route to CP1)
CP1 to Water Stop2 (Yagon) - 20.5km
CP1 to CP2 - 25km
CP2 to Water Stop2 (return run) - 5km
CP2 to CP3 - 31km
CP3 to Dark Point Water Spot - 8km
CP3 to Finish - 22km
Dark Point Water Stop to Finish - 14km
NB - this distances are as close to reality as possible but do not take into account variable terrain, track width, if you wander off track, stopping to take a photo, etc, etc ..